For 35 years, CEF has been inspiring K-8 students, engaging educators, and strengthening communities through our free programs and resources. (Learn more about Our History, and Honors and Awards CEF has bestowed).

When it comes to preparing the STEM workforce – those industries relying on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – often the focus is on students in high school and post-secondary education.

However, research tells us that if students aren’t inspired by science when they are young, it gets increasingly harder to engage them in learning and careers in STEM industries.

CEF’s programs uniquely connect business and education in local communities to reach students early in life and ignite a passion for science-related careers.

CEF’s Challenge Program
In CEF’s STEM competition for 5-8 grade teams, students explore sustainability questions, community-based solutions, and STEM careers.

According to a National Challenge participant, “[The Challenge] opened my eyes to a world of atoms and galaxies. Now I know for sure I want to be a type of scientist – medicinal, computer, or anything that might interest me.”

Click to learn more about the Challenge.

Activity Guides
CEF provides over 50 free educator-friendly K-8 lessons that use inexpensive household items to teach science anywhere. These fun lessons are loved by teachers and students alike.

According to a middle school teacher, her students are “more engaged, better behaved, and are more responsible for their own learning than ever before. Test scores have increased, and performance assessments show marked growth.”

Click to learn more about the Activity Guides.

Essential Elements
CEF provides educator professional development workshops that build confidence in teaching hand-on science.

One K-8 teacher stated after taking our workshop, “This makes teaching chemistry more accessible and fun! As a non-science major, it’s easy to be intimidated by teaching science, but these activities were fun and engaging, and I learned a lot!”

Click to learn more about Essential Elements.

Career Conversations
CEF provides online and in-person resources for students to explore different STEM careers and talk to professionals about future workforce opportunities.

Click to learn more about the Career Conversations.

Interested in learning more about CEF’s strategy? See our 2020-2024 Strategic Plan.